Christmas Delight

I wish that I could go back in time and see Christmas again with this much enthusiasm. My past few Christmases have been a bit lack-luster. I think of all the extra items on my to do list and all the parties I have to dress for, buy for and attend and before I realize what hit me I am slumped in a chair, exhausted. But to feel the way this little girl did about Santa.... I dare say we could all use a bit of Christmas delight.

After the squeals of glee over Santa's Village and the lights of the Christmas trees, we jaunted outside in the chill to a little cobblestoned side alley. (I just love Charleston!) The light was great and I was so excited to begin shooting... and then I realized that my little subject was enraptured with the stones! Being only four years old, there's quite a bit about our world that she hasn't encountered just yet.
Emily, I can't tell you how glad I am to have captured your first encounter with cobblestones. May all of your experiences in this life bring you such joy!

Merry Christmas to you all!

A walk in the park

This is a sneek peek at a recent shoot of a girl and her dog. I had too many favorites, so look for more to come. In the meantime I am going to finish editing the rest of the images and clean out the liver treats from my camera bag.

I quite agree Ms. Daisy, I quite agree.

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I was looking over my website the other day, just making sure things were in order, when I noticed an inadvertent discrimination... To my shock and surprise I realized that my gallery of 'pets' displays only dogs! *gasp!*

I sought to remedy that with a few snaps of my feline friends. I'd like to introduce you to Senita and Merlin... they are helping me right my animal oversight.

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Best in Show

A Friday afternoon with man's best friend... this was a great gig! The first annual Pet Helpers / CofC Dog Show was a success! You can read all about the event in the Lowcountry Dog Blog.

A bit of holiday spirit goes a long way...
Kudos to the College of Charleston Tennis Team for hosting such a great event!
And finally, I just had to throw in a portrait of my buddy Zeus. Most dogs either ignore or are a bit afraid of my camera... not this guy. He came up to me several times to give me a solid nudge, after which he would immediately sit and smile up at me. So here you go Zeus, here's your headshot!

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A walk in the park

Here are a few of my favorite images from a recent afternoon spent in the park with two rambunctious little boys, Holden & Oliver. It's the holiday season, but unless a snow cone machine short-circuits, we'll never see anything like snow in Charleston. So Jeanine suited the little men up in holiday sweaters on a rare chilly afternoon and I set out to make the images look as autumnal as possible. I rather like the outcome....

I had such fun! The best thing about photographing kids is that I get to make funny faces and roll around on the ground and basically, act like a kid! As I always say, it's not been a successful shoot unless I go home with straw in my hair!
Happy Holidays Jeanine, Holden & little Oli-bear. Can't wait to see how much you've grow by the springtime!

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