Christmas Delight

I wish that I could go back in time and see Christmas again with this much enthusiasm. My past few Christmases have been a bit lack-luster. I think of all the extra items on my to do list and all the parties I have to dress for, buy for and attend and before I realize what hit me I am slumped in a chair, exhausted. But to feel the way this little girl did about Santa.... I dare say we could all use a bit of Christmas delight.

After the squeals of glee over Santa's Village and the lights of the Christmas trees, we jaunted outside in the chill to a little cobblestoned side alley. (I just love Charleston!) The light was great and I was so excited to begin shooting... and then I realized that my little subject was enraptured with the stones! Being only four years old, there's quite a bit about our world that she hasn't encountered just yet.
Emily, I can't tell you how glad I am to have captured your first encounter with cobblestones. May all of your experiences in this life bring you such joy!

Merry Christmas to you all!

A walk in the park

This is a sneek peek at a recent shoot of a girl and her dog. I had too many favorites, so look for more to come. In the meantime I am going to finish editing the rest of the images and clean out the liver treats from my camera bag.

I quite agree Ms. Daisy, I quite agree.

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I was looking over my website the other day, just making sure things were in order, when I noticed an inadvertent discrimination... To my shock and surprise I realized that my gallery of 'pets' displays only dogs! *gasp!*

I sought to remedy that with a few snaps of my feline friends. I'd like to introduce you to Senita and Merlin... they are helping me right my animal oversight.

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Best in Show

A Friday afternoon with man's best friend... this was a great gig! The first annual Pet Helpers / CofC Dog Show was a success! You can read all about the event in the Lowcountry Dog Blog.

A bit of holiday spirit goes a long way...
Kudos to the College of Charleston Tennis Team for hosting such a great event!
And finally, I just had to throw in a portrait of my buddy Zeus. Most dogs either ignore or are a bit afraid of my camera... not this guy. He came up to me several times to give me a solid nudge, after which he would immediately sit and smile up at me. So here you go Zeus, here's your headshot!

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A walk in the park

Here are a few of my favorite images from a recent afternoon spent in the park with two rambunctious little boys, Holden & Oliver. It's the holiday season, but unless a snow cone machine short-circuits, we'll never see anything like snow in Charleston. So Jeanine suited the little men up in holiday sweaters on a rare chilly afternoon and I set out to make the images look as autumnal as possible. I rather like the outcome....

I had such fun! The best thing about photographing kids is that I get to make funny faces and roll around on the ground and basically, act like a kid! As I always say, it's not been a successful shoot unless I go home with straw in my hair!
Happy Holidays Jeanine, Holden & little Oli-bear. Can't wait to see how much you've grow by the springtime!

Fido's Frolic {on Folly}

Today was a blast running around with a large pack of furry friends for the first annual "Fido's Frolic" at Folly Beach. An afternoon of running around on the beach with dogs of all shapes and sizes, oh the fun that was had. The event was to benefit Pet Helpers, the shelter that saved my beloved Peanut....
~ Peanut ~
.... so of course I was down to snap a few pic's to help out. I have tons of pics from the event, but a few stuck out as portraits that were screaming for some special attention have a look at these and then go to my new website to see more puppy portraits under the Folly Pier {and beyond}.
I hope to see you out frolicing with Fido next year!
For more information go to

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