to catch a snowball

I think it's funny that just the other day I posted the wonderfully warm and summer-y pictures of Peanut... because we just had a strange occurance here in Charleston... snow. I've been here for seven years and this isn't the first time that it has snowed, but it's the first time that I have seen it stick. Fun! Here this morning, gone by noon. Perfect!

Yeah, go ahead Peanut, sniff the concrete... 'cause that's what's different about this situation.

Snowball fight. Over.

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happy day

I was rummaging through pictures today looking for an old one for a project that I am working on (more on that later) and I found some pictures of Peanut, from right after she came home, that made me smile. Just thought I'd share a smile today.

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Pretending it's warm...

Nutty and I have been anxiously awaiting warmer weather so that we can get back on our usual schedule of walks and dog park visits. We have had it with the drizzly, icky-ness that has hung around for far too long. There was a tiny break in the weather, so I bundled up 3 layers deep and off we went!

I am always amazed at the dogs that love the water no matter the temperature. It could be turning into a pond colored/flavored 'Slushy' from the weather and some dogs will still chase that ball. Mac is one of those dogs. The ball is all that matters. If he were human, I suspect he'd be one of the greats at any sport he chose... The term obsessed could apply to this case. So much so that he would plunk down his prized pink rubber ball in front of the nearest feet he could find. No need to look any higher than the knees, no sir. Anybody who could get that ball to the water was good enough for him... a true equal opportunity retriever!

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